Contents of /images/fursona/

I’ve had two fursonas during my tenure in the furry community: one MLP OC, Harmonic Hooves; and one ‘regular’ fursona, Jack Sterling. Visit the respective pages for art credits.

Filename Type Size Last Modified
../ Parent Directory 2023-12-02 22:24:28
andy-crop.jpg JPEG image 61KiB 2024-06-26 23:29:29
andy.jpg JPEG image 8.5MiB 2024-06-26 22:39:55
harmonic_ap.png PNG image 487KiB 2021-07-15 00:57:50
harmonic_hb_full.png PNG image 705KiB 2023-02-06 21:54:27
harmonic_hb.png PNG image 71KiB 2023-02-09 10:52:55
harmonic_mtap.png PNG image 716KiB 2021-06-19 00:09:23
harmonic_nox.png PNG image 930KiB 2021-07-15 00:57:11
harmonic_pinch.jpg JPEG image 110KiB 2021-07-17 13:33:54
harmonic_pouncer.png PNG image 1.1MiB 2023-02-11 18:19:43
harmonic_zip.png PNG image 188KiB 2021-07-15 00:58:08
harmonic-blu_pouncer.png PNG image 1.2MiB 2023-02-11 16:28:28
harmonic-blu_unknownartist.png PNG image 1.7MiB 2020-04-22 21:38:08
sterling-crop.jpg JPEG image 224KiB 2023-02-14 20:42:33
sterling.jpg JPEG image 1.2MiB 2021-07-15 00:41:21

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Filetype is determined by extension. Hover over the Type field for extended information via the file command.
Note: file modification times may be inaccurate before May 2021; metadata was not preserved when restoring backups.